
Ringer Tournament

This is a two-day event, played over two weeks in June.  All league members are eligible to play regardless of handicap status or prior attendance.

Best score on each hole over two weeks of play is used to calculate the overall score and to determine winners.

Each league will holds a separate Ringer Tournament on their regular playing days.  Players compete within their flights for prize money.

Handicap Tournament

This is a two-day event, played over two weeks in July. 

Players must have established a handicap and must have attended at least 50% of play days prior to the beginning of the tournament to compete for prize money. 

The players handicap will be applied to the gross score to determine winners.

Each league holds a separate Handicap Tournament on their regular play days. Players compete within their flights for prize money.

Championship Tournament

This is a two-day event, played over two weeks in August. 

Players must have established a handicap and must have attended at least 50% of play days prior to the beginning of the tournament to compete for prize money. 

Combined gross score over two weeks of play will be used to determine winners. 

Each league holds a separate Championship Tournament on their regular play days. Players compete within their flights for prize money.

The lowest gross score in each league will be the league champion. 

Hole-In-One Contest 

Each league hosts a Hole-In-One Contest for the season. We put $1 from every registration fee into the prize pot which automatically enters each member into the contest.  At the end of the season, each league will payout this prize money to all players who made a hole-in-one. We distribute the prize evenly if there are multiple winners.

The fund carries over to the following season if no one scores a hole-in-one.